Under NESHAP (MACT) compliance requirements, AirSource Technologies has developed special expertise in conducting these major, multiparameter compliance test projects over the past 15 years. Emphasizing overall orchestration of the many collaborative phases inherent in these projects, AirSource Technologies commonly conducts all emission testing protocols, coordinates and processes all waste-feed, raw material and related process samples, performs and/or coordinates laboratory analyses, and conducts data reduction, report preparation and quality assurance review requirements.
AirSource Technologies has a wealth of experience in conducting Visible Emission (VE) test programs, typically under the guidelines of New Source Performance Standards (40 CFR, Part 60) and NESHAP (MACT Standards).
Typically employing Method 9 and 22 protocols, our Certified Observers have worked extensively with cement, talc, lime and limestone mining and processing companies around the Midwest wherein Subpart OOO criteria is the governing regulation. We also have experience with flares and other process stack emission measurements.
Industries such as power generators, food processors, asphalt producers and numerous others have called upon our staff to provide both compliance and investigative VE testing services.
Our instrument systems are well suited for providing continuous evaluation of an emission source. AirSource Technologies has experience:
Measuring a variety of detection technologies including Magneto Pneumatic, Non-Dispersive Infra Red, Chemiluminescence, and Heated Flame Ionization Detector.
Measuring various gases, including O2, CO2, CO, NOx, SO2, and THC.
Performing RATA services according to performance specifications of CFR 40, Part 60, Appendix B and CFR 40, Part 75 for continuous emission monitoring systems and CFR 40, Part 75, Subpart C, Appendix A, Appendix B (Continuous Emission Monitoring, Operation and Maintenance Requirements).
Performing Destruction and Removal Efficiency (DRE) Studies, Relative Accuracy Testing (CEMS & PEMS), Calibration Error/Calibration Gas Audits, and Predictive Emission Monitoring System (PEMS) Validation.
AirSource Technologies has the expertise and resources to perform nearly every source emission reference method currently promulgated. In addition, we have worked with clients and regulators over the years to develop and apply new and innovative methodologies when existing methods prove to be inappropriate or fail to meet test objectives.
Organic Hazardous Air Pollutants From the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry – Subpart F
Hazardous Waste Combustion – Subpart EEE
Portland Cement Manufacturing – Subpart LLL
Secondary Aluminum – Subpart RRR
Lime Manufacturing – MACT Standard Wool Fiberglass Manufacturing – Subpart NNN
VOC Leak Detection – Subpart GGG